Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 4: Simplicity Challenge

Throw Away Newspapers and Magazines

You're at the midway point or challenge hump day! You are halfway there, don't give up! Today we address the stacks of unused or old newspapers and magazines. I love print media, but not so much that I would let those products clutter my house. Purge your mags and papers!

1. Collect all your newspapers. Pick up the most recent paper and throw the rest away! Trust me, you will not have time to catch up or read all the others. You just won't! If you want to keep an article, clip it. Or if you want to keep a specific date because it showcases important news, fine keep it but STORE IT away. Otherwise, you should be left with today's paper. Everything else in the recycling! Put this paper somewhere it will be read.

2. Collect all your magazines and divide them by category (if you have many) or by magazine name. Pick the latest (that month's edition) magazines out of each category and trash the rest. If you like an article or an ad in a magazine that has to go, clip it and save it somewhere. If you , say work in fashion, obviously you can take these rules more loosely. For the rest of us, stick with the "one in, one out" rule and keep these magazines where they will be read, such as bathrooms, living rooms, etc. For every magazine in each category that comes in, another has to come out. If you have 50 magazines total, maybe you should consider cutting down on your subscriptions....

Aren't you glad you got rid of all those newspapers and magazines. Continue to keep only the most recent magazines and papers and your piles will never get out of hand.

Any remarkable success stories? Send them in, I'd love to share them here on my blog!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 3: Simplicity Challenge

Purge Your Pantry

Welcome to day three, where we tackle the pantry. Most people over stuff their pantry so much that they don't even realize how much of what they buy has already expired. Let's clear our the pantry today.

1. Take all of your food items out and give the pantry a good wipe down.

2. Sort through your items and classify them into 3 categories: Expired, Give Away, Keep. Food that has expired automatically toss out. Certain foods that you don't eat, see if your local pantry/food drive/friend/family will take them. If you have a gluten intolerance and have 4 bags of white flour, you can give those away.

3. Re-shelf your pantry, making sure to group like items and displaying items that expire first at the front. (We'll address pantry organization another time- for now work with what you have).

I bet after completing this task you'd be shocked at the free space in your pantry. Don't go restocking. Just because the space is there, doesn't mean it has to be filled. Think about NEEDS not wants.

Enjoy the clean pantry!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 2: Simplicity Challenge

Welcome to day 2! This is probably my most favorite task! Let's organize our bags!!!!!!!!

Bag Organization

We all have them and we all use them. Every time I head to buy groceries I get at least 4 plastic bags and if I buy clothing or shoes I always get a shopping bag! I can't run away from bags! Year ago, our under the sink cabinet was just full of bags. All colors, shapes, sizes, materials, etc. We used (and still use) most of the bags as trash bags so we never gave their storage much thought. If they are going to exit your house, what's the point of organizing them?! Boy were we wrong! One day we discovered we had a leaky pipe and that all of our bags were soaked in water  and covered in rust. After cleaning up the leaky mess we decided to control our bag situation. Here's how we did it:

1. Buy/reuse a basket to place in the cabinet's under your sink. Use this basket to store plastic bags. When you come home with plastic bags, knot each once and stick in the basket. You can use these bags for trash- you'll never have to buy garbage bags again!

2. Paper bags, which are not damaged, should be neatly folded and kept in a largish shopping bag. These are useful for say sending packaged food out of the house with guests, for storing paper to be recycled, or packing presents. Whatever your use, make sure to keep all paper bags together and in a dry nonflammable place.

3. Store reusable shopping bags in a tote or container. If you drive keep these in your trunk. If you use public transportation keep one foldable bag in your purse and the rest near the door so you can grab and go.

Voila, it's that simple! Send me before and after pictures of your bag organization.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 1: Simplicity Challenge

So happy you have decided to take the 7 Day Simplicity Challenge! I know at the end of the challenge you'll see the change in your house and you'll be so proud of yourself! Here's your first task:

Sort School Books

For those of us who have school books and textbooks, do you ever wonder what to do with them? If you haven't already sold your books, returned rented books, or donated them now is that time to do so. Filter through your books and keep the ones that you would be interested in keeping for your personal library collection, otherwise let go of those books.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

7 Day Simplicity Challenge

7 Day Simplicity Challenge: DECLUTTER YOUR HOME

Sometimes when I think about ALL the cleaning and organizing that I have to do, I become overwhelmed. How can I possibly get to everything! It seems I can't make a dent in my increasing list of household duties. It's time to take control of the growing monster and simplify 7 spots in your house!
Take my simple 7 day challenge to decluttering!!! Everyday for one week, complete one task for 20 minutes after dinner. Challenge starts tomorrow- game on!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Can't Stop Procrastinating?

Ever find yourself procrastinating? Can't seem to start anything or finish anything? Procrastinating is basically delaying decisions and thus postponing actions. Beat your procrastination with this motivational exercise!

Pick 7 things you want to get accomplished. These activities shouldn't be massive- something realistic and accomplishable in a day. If it's something you have been putting off, write it down! I, for example, would pick:

1. Schedule doctor's appointment
2. Clean through makeup
3. Clear out closet for donation items (I don't have much to give away, thus this is a sensible choice for this exercise)
4. Create E-bay account and post items to sell (This might be ambitious- I might only take pictures of the items that I want to sell and create an account later)
5. Finish my book and order new book I want to read
6. Buy skirt hangers
7. Get started on my special case project by contacting lady to get her contact information

Once you have your 7 tasks or activities, write each on a separate piece of paper/sticky notes. Find yourself a hat, vase, box, or any kind of container and put these papers in there. Every morning pick out one task, at random, from the container and make that your goal for the day. One task is much simpler to complete and will make you less likely to procrastinate. Completing even one simple task makes you feel accomplished and eager to feel that sense of achievement again! Try it for 1 week and, if you like the results, try this exercise for a whole month! You need not have 30/31 tasks, but a few to get you started because you can always add more tasks as you go! For now, try the 7 day task exercise and see how far you get and if you feel motivated to keep completing tasks.

Wish you luck!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Control That Inbox

Does the above picture seem suspiciously familiar? Don't worry, you aren't the only one. Today I'll share my tips on clearing that inbox.

So let me start, once again with the idea of simplicity and of keeping your inbox at zero. It is important to go through your email every single day, if not multiple times, especially for your work email. Thanh Pham has a wonderful article on Asian Efficiency about managing email. Basically, he asserts that your inbox is not a storage place, but rather a temporary holding ground for email that needs to be attended to. He advises to create two folders, "Reply" and "Waiting," to be able to sort through your email. This is a FABULOUSLY simple plan for managing email! Any email that can be taken care of in 2 minutes goes in the reply folder while any email that needs additional processing time goes into the waiting folder. Simple, right?! If you'd like, please go read the article! I highly recommend it!

Now that you've developed a way to sort through mail, it's important to go through ALL your mail! Yes, all 99,999 emails have to be looked at! Sorry, buddy, ain't no easy way to go about that. It just has to happen. Break this task up throughout several days. Take two 30 minute daily sessions to clear through old email. Make sure that you are also clearing through new email as it comes in!

While you are clearing through email you should also be sorting it into categories, instead of simply archiving them. The categories will differ from person to person, but every person will have several. Think of these categories as ongoing conversations or ones that have already ceased. Say for example, you are a student that just finished interning at a law firm and  have many correspondence emails in your inbox. Create a folder that will specifically archive these emails. Don't just toss all those emails in that folder, decide which are important and should be kept. Remember, we aren't just relocating the mess, we are sorting through it. You might have many categories such as bills, bank statements, online receipts, etc. So again, let's say you ordered something from Amazon and have received an email confirmation for your order. Put that email in the "Waiting" folder. Once you get your package move that email to your "Receipts" folder. You might want to keep the email confirmation for a few months and then purge it. Some receipts you might not want to purge at all, for example large/expensive purchases whose receipts have been sent to your email.
These are my folders, which are also color coded.
 Please don't freak out when you read Mass Murder Inc.
It's a research project that I worked on- scary name, I know. 

Now that your necessary mail is sorted, what to do with all the junk mail? Most email providers already sort out some junk mail, but I bet you still receive a lot of mail that clutters your inbox. Maybe you purchased something from Company Y and now you constantly receive newsletters or promotional emails from them. Well, instead of just sending them to trash make sure they don't enter your inbox any more. Search at the bottom of these emails for an unsubscribe link or button. Click it and deselect yourself from all their promotional emails. If you do this to every unwanted email that comes into your inbox, in a month you'll see the difference! Also, as in regular snail mail, make sure that you use discretion when signing up for online services or making purchases. Look for options that let you deselect having promotional emails sent to you.
An example of what the unsubscribe section at the bottom of the email might look like. 

Having learned about managing your inbox, do you feel any more powerful about tackling your emails? I hope so! Tell me of your success stories!


Saturday, October 19, 2013

15 Things You (Probably) Have Never Cleaned

When we clean we usually clean with the big picture in mind, but sometimes we forget the not so obvious spots or things. Next time you clean try hitting up these 15 spots.

1. Dusting wall decorations, whether it be picture frames, clocks, or shelves.
2. Disinfect points of contact (doorknobs, switches, handles, etc).
3. Clean remote controls.
4. Clean phones and charging stations.
5. Clean the filters (e.g. AC's and vacuum cleaners) and vents.
6. Clean baseboards.
7. Dust plant leaves (real and fake).
8. Clean behind the fridge and oven (if they move).
9. Dust the top of cabinets, bookcases, and tall dressers.
10. Clean doors, internal and external.
11. Clean windows and window sills.
12. Wipe down wires of all electronics and appliances (make sure everything is plugged off and you are using a dry cloth).
13. Dust the top of books and DVDs (you'd be surprised how dusty these get).
14. Wipe down the inside of drawers and any separators in drawers.
15. Wipe down makeup cases.

Happy cleaning! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

All Those Coupons

So a few months ago, after watching Extreme Couponing on TLC, I was obsessed with trying to find deals. I quickly accumulated a shoe box full of useless coupons as they were never organized and expired before I could use them. I quickly realized I had to do something! In came my binder organization system- I separated coupons by item types and expiration dates. After I was finished I couldn't believe the results. Yes, my binder looked wonderful but I couldn't believe for what the coupons were- most were for boxed or canned foods! My family does not even so much as eat cereal so most of what I had collected was useless to us! Even the coupons for personal items such as shampoo and razors were useless to me as my house does not have space for 10 shampoo bottles or 50 laundry detergents. Please don't misunderstand, coupons might work for some families but not for my family, our restrictions, or philosophy. That said, we do use some types of coupons, for example coupons for school supplies or clothing. Therefore, I decided to share my simple coupon organization system for those of us who have a few coupons and have a magnetic surface in plain view when exiting our houses.

The first action you need to take is collect all your coupons and go through them. Keep only the coupons that have not expired. Be realistic about what you can and can not use. Just because you have a $10 off coupon from company X, it does not mean that you have to keep the coupon or even USE it. Coupons are a marketing ploy, don't get caught up in HAVING to use them all the time.- that causes for irresponsible financial habits and a cluttered house. The coupons that you don't wish to keep send to military families! The Krazy Coupon Lady has a wonderful post explaining how to go about sending unused and expired coupons to military families. 

Once you have decided on the coupons that you are going to keep, you need to sort them into categories. I only have 6 coupons that fit into one category- clothing. With the coupons sorted you will need a place to store them. I suggest purchasing some adhesive poly envelopes (I use Avery envelopes from Staples) and magnetic sheets that are close in size to your envelopes (or reuse old magnets). Use one envelope for each category. Adhere the magnet to the back of the poly envelope and place coupons inside, the largest coupons in the back and the smallest in the front so that they are all visible. Seal your envelop and stick it to your refrigerator. BAM, now all your coupons are sorted by category and easily assessable. The key here is to get rid of as many coupons as possible. Keep your coupon collection to an absolute minimum and to go through expired coupons on a monthly basis.

My six coupons left after the purging.

My coupon envelope on the fridge. I always see my fridge before
 exiting the house so I am more likely to use the coupons
 if they are near the entrance door. 

You can tailor this system to fit your needs. If you don't have a magnetic surface then consider mounting a hanging folder near your door, just as long as your coupons are discretely visible to you before you exit your house. If you own a car, leave your coupons in your car so you always have them with you. It all depends on your lifestyle and your couponing habits. There is no one system that works for everyone. The point is to limit your collection to what you will realistically use and to strategically place them somewhere that they are visible and thus will be used.

Hope this helps!


How do you organize your coupons? Do you use all of your coupons? 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tackle Your Mailbox

Welcome back! Hooked ya, did I? Interested in taking control of your mail? Well, it's going to take a bit of prep work, but it will be easy sailing once that's done. 

Until recently I used to cringe when I would look at our mail basket. Although I love opening the mailbox to see if any of the incoming mail has my name on it (hey, we all need attention and this makes me feel important haha) but once the mail is in the basket a sense of terror descends upon the house. Why, you ask? Well, it feels as if my family is being buried in paper, especially junk mail! I have decided to rein in the beast and forever give junk mail the boot. Here are the lessons I learned from my experience:


What plan doesn't start with prevention?! My first tip is to prevent unwelcomed or unnecessary mail from entering your mailbox. What's the use of constantly trashing the endless flyers and cataloges when you can simply stop them from coming in? When you see that catalog from XYZ company, instead of trashing it try stopping it from entering your house. Preventive measures go a long way in helping you minimize the amount of mail you will have to deal with in the future. Preventing junk mail from entering your house comes in two phases- not sharing your information and calling to cancel unwanted mail. 

First, you have to be careful about sharing your information. Whenever you give your name, address, or phone number away for any reason expect your information to be shared, either for internal company purposes or with external parties. That means, MORE JUNK MAIL for you! So use your discretion when giving away your contact details. Note, sometimes you'll end up sharing your information without even knowing it. Say, you are about to make an online purchase from X Company, and don't notice their sneaky advertisement tactics. Most companies include a tick-able option (which is always auto ticked) that allows them to send you updates on the company, products, etc. Well, we are CLEVER too- always be cautious and deselect those options. I once signed up for a Bloomingdale's credit card and, my goodness, they sent me at least 1 MASSIVE journal a week! It was ridiculous! It took up so much space in our mailbox that our postman actually told us that he had trouble putting all our mail into our mailbox! Had I known that Bloomingdale's would have such aggressive advertising I would have called their customer service right after I signed up for their credit card to remove my name from their mailing lists. This brings us to the second phase, which is to call and cancel unwanted mail.

If all your hard work at trying to protect your contact information doesn't seem to be doing the trick, then take matters into your own hands and call customer service. Most catalogues, fliers, coupon booklets, advertisements, promotions, etc contain a phone number which you can call to ask to remove your name and address from their mailing database. I suggest doing this on a monthly basis, as it can be daunting if you call every day. If you receive a lot of unwanted mail, try to break up the calling bi-weekly or weekly and assign the calling duty to one household member.

As a tip I would suggest to keep the portion of the unwanted mail that contains your name, address, and company phone number in an envelope labeled "TO CANCEL" as easy reference when you begin your calls. Since my name, which is very ethnic, is often misspelled I find keeping the mailing address and name that the company uses useful when I call to remove myself from their mailing list. Typically when you call, you will be filtered through an automated system and then connected to a customer service representative that will be able to remove you from their mailing list. Usually they will ask for your name and address and then warn you that it might take a month to 6 months to stop receiving their mail as many of their advertisements/promotions/catalogues are prepared well ahead of their mailing date. So do not be discouraged when you see that catalogue which you cancelled last month- it will eventually stop coming to your house. I would also suggest, once you have called to cancel, to write down the name of the company or catalog that you called to cancel, so when it does come next month you won’t spend precious time calling to cancel again. Keep this list in your "TO CANCEL" envelope. Keep in mind that you can't stop all unwanted mail. This process is about decreasing, not completely eliminating, junk mail. Receiving certain mailings, such as candidate informational cards/booklets, is inevitable. Don’t fret, just call and cancel those seasonal/biennial/annual/etc mailings.

Sometimes this calling process can be done in bulk. I have been told that you can call certain agencies that take your name off company mailing lists for you. I don’t necessarily like this idea because I like to take matters into my own hands and I don’t trust third parties. I would however, give the Consumer Reporting Agency a go (for my American viewers). Their number is 888-567-8688. It’s a government agency so no worries about shady business, hopefully. ;)

Once you have cut down on the junk mail that comes to your house, you will see that managing and sorting mail is FAR easier. If you want to slim your mailbox even more, consider the next section about enrolling in electronic mailings.


I always find this specific topic to be a dangerous zone. Many people subscribe to electronic bank statements/catalogues/bills without realizing that they have only REDIRECTED their mess to another part of their life. It’s like having a junk closet where you shove anything that you can’t be bothered with organizing. That’s not controlling your life, that’s delaying decisions and further cluttering your life. So keep that in mind and teeter carefully with electronic options.

Bills and bank/insurance statements, for the most part, can be accessed online. Consider subscribing to e-bills or e-statements on company websites. My bank, for example, sends my bank statements to my email. Most of my family's bills can also be accessed online. We are sent a friendly reminder that our bill is due via a timely email. That means we get less mail in our mailbox, in exchange for more mail in our e-mail inbox.

If you are someone who needs physical copies of bills and statements in order to not forget about them, then by all means continue the paper method. However, if you think you can cope with electronic versions try to enroll in electronic options. Almost every utility/service which we use or subscribe to has an online account that can be managed via the net. If you are going to make this switch I suggest the following as to stay on top of your bills and to avoid more virtual clutter:

1. Create a separate space for such email to be stored. You can make a separate email account or create folders in your personal email. This means that you won’t have to look at your bills everyday and they also won’t get lost in your inbox.

2. Create a payment schedule for bills and a statement checklist for statements.

Most of the time, a specific bill will be due on the same day of each month (same applies to annual, biannual, etc bills) so it is easy to predict when the bill will be due again. Set up a spreadsheet and list all your bills and when their payment is due (you can easily see this on your bill statement or call to find out). My family usually likes to pay bills in clusters and a few days before the due date. You can do the same thing and adjust it so that it makes sense with your payday schedule. If you get paid bi-weekly cluster monthly bills so that you pay them only twice a month.

As for statements I suggest to check them every month. So whenever your bank, insurance provider, etc sends statements check all your online accounts once a month. Most of my statements come at the end of the month so I check at the end of the month to make sure everything is in order. Well... to be honest I check my bank statements online every week to make sure my debits and credits match.

3. Create a written place to store all your passwords for ALL your accounts. If you have 3 utility bills, 2 credit cards, and 1 loan to pay write all the usernames/IDs, passwords and answers to security questions on a paper and keep it in a safe place. So when you need to log on to pay that bill you have all that information at the ready. I, for example, keep a list of all my passwords/IDs in my checkbook, so when I do pay bills, I whip that baby out and get to work.

4. If logging on to 3 different sites to pay bills is too much for you, then try and see if your bank has a bill pay service. This allows you to automatically pay your bills from your bank account instead of through individual service provider accounts. NIFTY?! What’s even better is that most banks will analyse your money spending habits for you, so you can monitor and adjust how you spend your money online. If you want to go a step further and have as little to do with bills as possible enroll in automatic payments. I would caution against this because our bank account balances always fluctuate and you don’t want to incur fees for insufficient funds. Also, you want to check your bill statements before paying them incase they need to be disputed.

5. Finally, if you choose to go the electronic way, make sure you develop a system with which to control that new influx of email. If you pay bills online monitor the statements that you receive and purge them once the payment has been cleared. Don’t let your physical mail clutter become electronic mail clutter! One of next posts will deal more with electronic mail, so I'll address this issue in more depth.

So let’s recap before we move on to sorting mail. First, prevent unwanted junk mail by using discretion when sharing contact information and calling to remove your address from mailing lists. Second, enroll in electronic billing/statements to avoid paper coming into your house but make sure to develop a system to sort through that email as well. At first it might be a pain, but you’ll see, cutting down on incoming mail will pay off!


With the junk mail gone, what shall we do with the necessary mail? Sort it, duh! When sorting mail, I believe in keeping it simple- as Michael Scott from the NBC TV series, “The Office” would say, “keep it simple, stupid.” You should have 4 (maybe 5) categories in which to sort mail: bills, action, to file, to read, and to trash/shred. When you enter your house, be prepared to file the mail immediately or file it at the end of each week, whatever works for you. My family attends to the mail at the end of each week but some people might find it more efficient for their needs to sort the mail as it comes in everyday.

(Extra: keep your envelopes, stamps, pens, checkbooks, labels, etc in your mail basket or near it. Sort everything into a pouch so it's neat. Dealing with mail will be a breeze that way.)

If you are not enrolled in electronic billing this category is ESSENTIAL. Open each bill and write its due date on a post it and attach that to the bill. Even if you aren’t using ebilling you should have a bill payment schedule so that you can keep track of your bills. We don't pay our bills as they come in, we pay them in groups. It might not be much easier on our bank accounts but it is on our mental sanity. I would suggest to deal with bills at the end of the week or every two weeks, or monthly if you can get away with it. You have to find what works best for you and your financial situation. I would suggest keeping bills in clear folders so you can always see when the bills are due.

Mail that is sorted into the action file requires additional work on it. Maybe you have to call your health insurance to dispute a claim or send off a thank you note. The "To Cancel" envelope, with the contact information page, should be kept in the action file. Write on a notepad what you have to do and set yourself a deadline. At the end of every week (or whatever works best for your schedule) attend to these items.

Not everyone will need this folder. I personally do not use a filing folder as my family sorts through the week’s mail every Sunday and we file at the same time. If we have “action mail” we will usually attend to it on Monday and then file whatever that needs to be filed or keep it in the action folder until it has been resolved. But if you receive a lot of mail that needs to be filed, I would suggest creating a separate folder as to not clutter your action folder because action needs your attention and sometimes IMMEDIATE attention whereas the Filing folder is just a transitionary space for already attended to mail such as disputed claims or paid bills.

The read folder also does not exist in my house (we don’t subscribe to any print magazines or newspapers) but it might for you. I wouldn’t suggest an actual folder but I would suggest separating that mail from the rest of your mail when you step into your house. If you subscribe to lots of magazines automatically put them in your magazine holder, on your coffee table, or wherever you like to read them. Don't let them sit in your mail basket and take up precious space and become obsolete.

This also isn’t a folder per say, but it is a category. This is the mail that needs to be trashed or shredded. Obviously shred sensitive or personal information and recycle catalogues and unwanted mail (after you have unsubscribed from it).

So all in all your mail will be sorted anywhere from 2 to 5 categories (and in whatever storage system you decide on). There are many storage ideas online, especially youtube, give it a search and see what appeals to you but make sure whatever SYSTEM you settle on works for you and that you keep up with it. Once your mail is stored I would suggest to sort/deal with it on a scheduled basis, my family does it every week. We have a little mail basket on top of our fridge in which we toss all of the mail and then sort/deal with at the end of the week. We do not worry about the mail until the end of the week- load off our minds. We keep a bills and an action folder at the bottom of the basket to which we attend at the time we go through our mail. We file and shred as we sort through our mail and take action on the mail that needs our attention at that time too. You have to find a system that works for you and your family. Make sure to get everyone involved. If you have children, obviously of the right age, involve them in the shredding- they LOVE that. If you are married or living with a partner/roommate do the mail together. Let someone call to cancel subscriptions and another pay the bills. If you get a hold of your mailbox, you won’t avoid it like the plague and you will live a more organized, worry free, and clutter free life.

Hope this post was helpful. Please excuse any mistakes, I was very eager about getting this post out! :)

Until next time,
Taguk Mook

P.S. Please send me your questions, comments, and (hopefully) success stories! I want to hear them all! :)


Hello my dear friends,

First and foremost, WELCOME to Chaos Free. *hug*

My name is Taguk Mook (not exactly- it's a childhood nickname that has least it's better than some other nicknames that I have had such as Blinchik, Russian for crêpe/pancake haha). Embarrassing nicknames aside, I am so glad you are here and interested in ridding yourself of chaos! I hope to inspire you to implement some of my tips and tricks for becoming organized and clutter-free. Yes, it is possible!

The vision behind this blog is fostered by my fascination with entropy and my philosophy towards life, which I attribute to my wonderful sister. We live in an antithetical world- it is full of disorder  and yet we have a disposition for trying to make sense of it by simplifying the complex chaos! My philosophy, therefore, is already inherent to us- habituated simplicity is best. A life conditioned to choose simplicity, not a whimsical flirtation with it, is one that is far more happier. Simplicity is relative for everyone, so this might mean living off the grid with no possessions to some or just cutting down on possessions and getting orderly. Wherever you find yourself on this spectrum, you must always actively choose to get rid of the clutter and chaos to live a freer and simpler life. I hope this philosophy is able to manifest itself in your life through my thoughts on this blog and affect you in ways that help you live a more fulfilling life.

Theorizing to the side (and taking my own advice), I am here to share my thoughts on organization and helping you live in your spaces more efficiently and freely! LET'S DO IT!

Thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you again when I begin more substantive posting!

Tune in soon for a two part series on tackling mail, electronic and snail mail. 

Lots of hugs,
Taguk Mook